Author: Incluvie Writer
“Birds of Prey” and the Fantabulous Emancipation from the DCEU
Birds of Prey has some of the best stunt work and choreography of 2020, and was the most fun I’d had in an action film since John Wick 3.
Time To Get Critical About Representation in “Shameless”
A decade since it aired, Shameless (U.S.) has always stuck to its guns (and baseball bats) about character diversity.
“Workin’ Moms” is a Brilliant Comedy About Juggling Parenting and Professionalism
It’s 5:30am. The baby’s crying, but you need to finish prepping for your big pitch at work that morning. What do you do? You do the near impossible: both. That’s what “Workin’ Moms” is all about.
Just Mercy: An Admirable Picture
In all actuality, “Just Mercy” should be labeled a “wall punching narrative.” Constantly, the flick throws high forms of adversity our way, amping up our most inner levels of discomfort. Filmmaker Destin Daniel Cretton wonderfully paces the film in such a way that replicates the slow-burn nature of justice.
“The Comedians” is Essentially When Billy Met Josh…
He’s a nine-time Oscar host and a revered comedy legend. He’s an up-and-coming comedy star who was a voice in the biggest animated movie of all time. So what happens when these two are forced to work together?
Terminator: Dark Fate – Empowering Women, but a Disappointing Sequel in Arc
Overall, “Dark Fate” is a run-of-the-mill flick. Together, Reyes and Davis have excellent chemistry, but their characters’ story is nothing new, lacking surprise and deep emotion. During the middle points, the film drags considerably, and when the action hits, it feels consistently tight, eliminating the rhythm and fluidity of conflicts.
Netflix’s ‘The Old Guard’ is an Entertaining Flick
“The Old Guard” doesn’t break ground, but it sure does bust boredom and fictional heads as an entertaining action romp on Netflix.
‘The Platform’ – a Horror/Thriller that Paralleled the Pandemic
“The Platform” is horror and science fiction film doubling as a visual commentary on capitalism and economic inequality. The movie is not for the faint of heart nor the viewer hoping for political neutrality in their film’s depth.
‘Life & Beth’ and ‘Sort Of’ – Two New Series Bravely Lose The Labels
J Brooke, Incluvie Guest Columnist on ‘Life and Beth’ and ‘Sort of’: while living one’s truth is freedom, speaking it as a mandatory assignment can become captivity.
‘The Star Wars Holiday Special’ is the Pinnacle of Awful and Misery
At least we got the original cast back, right? Not even that saves it. None of them could bring a sliver of hope to this special. Rather, they bring dread as we witness the light leaving from their eyes.